1. Purpose:
The purpose of this Social Media and Communication Policy is to establish guidelines for the appropriate use of social media and communication channels by volunteers of The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company (LJCIC). This policy aims to ensure responsible and professional communication, protect the company’s reputation, and maintain a positive online presence.
2. Scope:
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, volunteers, and any individuals representing LJCIC in an official capacity on social media platforms or other communication channels.
3. Responsible Use of Social Media:
a. volunteers should use social media responsibly and in a manner that reflects positively on LJCIC.
b. Personal social media accounts should not be used to express views that could be misconstrued as representing the official stance of LJCIC.
4. Authorised Spokespersons:
a. Designate specific individuals within the organisation as authorised spokespersons for official communications.
b. Unauthorised volunteers should refrain from responding to media inquiries or making official statements on behalf of LJCIC.
5. Content Guidelines:
a. Avoid sharing confidential or proprietary information about LJCIC, its volunteers, or its partners.
b. Be respectful and considerate when discussing other volunteers, competitors, or stakeholders.
c. Refrain from engaging in offensive, discriminatory, or defamatory language at all times.
6. Protecting Privacy:
a. Do not share personal or sensitive information about volunteers, service users, clients, or stakeholders without their explicit consent.
b. Respect copyright and intellectual property rights when sharing content.
7. Official Social Media Accounts:
a. Only authorised personnel are allowed to create, manage, or represent official LJCIC social media accounts.
b. Clearly state the official nature of the account and adhere to platform terms of service.
8. Reporting Concerns:
a. Volunteers are encouraged to report any concerns related to social media use or communication to their supervisor or the designated point of contact.
b. Promptly report any unauthorised or inappropriate use of LJCIC’s name or brand.
9. Training and Awareness:
a. Provide training to volunteers on the responsible use of social media and communication channels.
b. Keep volunteers informed about updates to this policy and any changes in relevant laws or regulations.
10. Consequences of Violation:
a. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of engagement with LJCIC
b. Serious breaches may also lead to legal consequences.
11. Review and Revision:
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any updates will be communicated to volunteers accordingly.
Document Control
- Policy approved on: 8 December 2022
- Policy re-approved on: 28 November 2024
- Next review date: 28 November 2025
Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company
The Blue House, Station Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PH
Company Number: 13305113