The Lambourn Volunteers

Helen Noll is the coordinator of The Lambourn Volunteers:

The Lambourn Volunteers established themselves in the middle of March 2020, before the official lockdown which came a couple of weeks later.  It was in direct response to people either being told to isolate because they were unwell or they felt uncomfortable about venturing out.

 A call went out on Social Media via a Facebook post for those that wanted to help to come forward. The network of over seventy volunteers took an area of Lambourn, Upper Lambourn, Lambourn Woodlands and Eastbury, usually a street or two depending how many residents the street had.  We continue to volunteer in these areas of our community, shopping, picking up prescriptions etc.

Another aspect of the Lambourn Volunteers was The Lambourn Junction, a food bank was established in April 2020 to meet the need of those struggling with loss of income and hardship.  There were a significant number who lost their jobs or who were unable to work  because their children were home as schools were shut.  With pubs, restaurants and many businesses closed, the supplemental income of many families stopped.  The Lambourn Junction used the same network of volunteers and relies on the generosity of the community to support those who are suffering hardship.  It is still supporting families and individuals today and continues to off food and household items.  It delivers throughout the Lambourn Valley as far as Great Shefford and has opening hours for residents to drop in and pick up what they need.  The Lambourn Junction is very fortunate to have the support of local businesses who generously give donations of supplies.

The Lambourn Bakers were also born from this Lambourn Volunteers and supplied families, residents and businesses that were continuing to work (plumbers, electricians etc) baked treats.  It made many people smile and was described as a thank you hug in a box.  The Bakers have continued to produce their yummy treats and have donated them to the vaccination centre in Newbury for the volunteers giving their time there.

More recently the newly formed Lambourn Volunteers joined forces with the ‘original’ Lambourn Volunteers – a volunteer driving group for hospital appointments.  the driving co-ordinators, who receive the details from the surgery of those needing a lift to their vaccine appointment, inform our volunteers  who have taken many residents to their vaccinations in Newbury and are helping with runs to hospital appointments too.  A great joining of two like-minded volunteer groups that continues to support the community.  The use of the same name was an oversight and thankfully we have been forgiven for this by the original Lambourn Volunteers.

West Berkshire Council offered recognition for groups that had done outstanding work during the pandemic and the Lambourn Volunteers and Lambourn Junction were both recognised for their efforts.  We were also awarded a Community Champion Award by local MP Laura Farris who visited the Lambourn Junction in June 2020 to see for herself the need for hardship support in the village.

I personally have been amazed and humbled by the number of people who came forward and offered to help, even though many have returned to their day jobs, they still continue to offer their time and help wherever they can.  We are lucky that such caring and supportive residents live in our community and I feel truly privileged to be a part of it.  There will always be a need for support and this group is aiming to continue giving it.

To contact the Lambourn Volunteers please call 01488 505050

Helen Noll –