The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all individuals associated with our organisation. As a company that relies on the valuable contributions of volunteers, we recognize the importance of maintaining a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace to ensure the well-being of everyone involved.
This policy applies to all volunteers engaged with The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company during the course of their activities and responsibilities.
Policy Guidelines:
1. Prohibited Substance Use:
The use, possession, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited during any work-related activities or while on the premises of The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company.
2. Alcohol Consumption:
The consumption of alcohol during work/volunteer hours, on company premises, or while engaged in company-related activities is strictly prohibited. Exceptions have to be approved by two Company Directors in writing and include a risk assessment.
3. Impairment and Performance:
Volunteers are expected to perform their duties without impairment from alcohol or drugs. Impaired performance due to substance use poses a risk to safety and may result in disciplinary action.
4. Prescription Medications:
Volunteers taking prescription medications that may affect their ability to perform their duties are required to inform their supervisor / company director or the designated contact person. The company will work with volunteers to find reasonable accommodations if needed.
5. Reporting:
Volunteers are encouraged to report any concerns related to alcohol or drug use that may impact the safety and well-being of themselves or others to their supervisor or the designated contact person.
6. Confidentiality:
All information regarding a volunteer’s disclosure of prescription medication or related issues will be treated confidentially, in accordance with privacy laws and regulations.
7. Disciplinary Action:
Violation of this Alcohol and Drug Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the volunteer relationship with The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company.
8. Support and Assistance:
The company is committed to supporting volunteers who may be facing substance-related challenges. Volunteers are encouraged to seek assistance if needed, and the company will provide information on available resources for support and rehabilitation.
Review and Revision:
This Alcohol and Drug Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company reserves the right to update or amend this policy as necessary.
Document Control
- Policy approved on: 8 December 2022
- Policy re-approved on: 28 November 2024
- Next review date: 28 November 2025
Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company
The Blue House, Station Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PH
Company Number: 13305113