The Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company has a set of fundamental guiding principles which govern the kinds of projects which we can support:

Projects and initiatives can range from a one-off event to a long term and ongoing commitment.

Projects supported by the Company have to:

  • be accessible to the community of Lambourn and vicinity
  • benefit a broad section of the community 
  • be safe for organisers and participants
  • be compliant with all applicable laws
  • be organisationally and financially transparent
  • be beneficial to all concerned

The Company does not support:

  • projects of a political nature or affiliation
  • projects of an exclusively religious nature or affiliation
  • projects which address activities which are the statutory responsibility of another organisation. 
  • projects not covered by the Companies insurance policies 

The size of the project does not matter. From a one off easter egg hunt for children to operating the Lambourn Food Bank – we are here to help the community.