31 January 2022

Dear Villagers and those who came from further afield,

Thank you so much for turning out to plant the tiny whips on Saturday. We were so fortunate with the weather but also with the support from the community. It was done in record time as many hands make light work! With such a work force we could have planted twice as many trees…

I have added a short video recorded by Penny Locke of Penny Post. If you would like to ‘like’ it or share it to put Lambourn on the map, then please do.

Also please do forward this to anyone who might be interested. I saw a number of people who had heard by word of mouth but are not on my email list.

If they email to trees@lambourn.org I can add them!

Over the next few years we will need to keep an eye on the trees, some weeding and possibly some watering in very dry weather so help with that will also be welcomed. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Prendergasts who tended the trees while the delays were in force.

As Adrian says on the video, we hope to be planting 30 bigger trees in mid Feb (possibly Sat 12th but this need sot be confirmed) so we will be looking for willing volunteers then too. If you might be available please let me know.

Meanwhile many thanks and may the trees grow strong!

Penny Brewer
(for Lambourn Environmental Group)

The Lambourn Environmental Group is an initiative of the Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company
